Friday, July 31, 2015

Morning Rituals

 One of the Best things to do before you go to bed is plan your next day.
If you do not have a specific routine for greatness, you will fail. And I don't mean your life will fail and die, but your routine will make things simple. Try doing the same things every morning, that way you don't have to choose what's better for you each day. Take away to take decisions early in the morning. Whether you like it or not get up!
 This is what my morning looks like on a perfect day:
 5:30 Glass of Water with Fresh Squeezed Lemon.
 5:40 Meditate (focus on breathing)
 5:55 Prepare After Workout Shake (1 scoop of Organic Plant Based Protein, 1 scoop of Whey Protein, 1 tablespoon of Creatine)
         Eat a Banana
 6:00 Go to the Gym
         This is my current routine:
Monday: Squats, Standing Calf Raise with Machine, Abs
Tuesday: Bench Press, Cable Rope Tricep Pushdown, Forearms
Wednesday: Deadlifts, Pull-ups
Thursday: Standing Barbell Shoulder Press, Bicep Curls
Friday: Cardio (run, swim or bike)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
 *Focusing on Strength 5 Sets of 5 Repetitions @ 80% 1RM (1 Rep Max)
 7:00 Drink Protein Shake and take a Cold Shower.

So that is what most of my days look like.
The days I don't train at the gym I use it for reading philosophy in the morning with a good coffee.

I will post a couple of videos with morning rituals examples.

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